What can I invest in with NuWealth?

Themed Funds (or Exchange-Traded Funds)

With NuWealth, you can invest in themed funds (ETFs) in a range of sectors, such as gold, technology and ethical investing from just £10. We work with a number of ETF providers such as BlackRock, Vanguard, Amundi and Rize. Explore our ETFs to see the full range of options. Please note, ETFs are only available with a NuWealth Standard account.

Fractional Shares

You can also choose to purchase shares in global companies with fractional shares. Sometimes the value of a whole share can be high, which is why we provide fractional shares; fractional shares allow you to purchase part of a whole share for as little as £10. No matter your budget, you can own a piece of brands like Tesla, Apple or Amazon. Fractional shares are only available in General Investment Accounts, though whole shares are also available in ISAs and Junior ISAs.

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