How do I adjust the amount that l Auto Invest with NuWealth?

To adjust your Auto Invest amount, please open the app and go to 'Portfolio' > 'Auto Invest' and adjust the invested amount to the new amount you would like deposited each month.

Please note, if you have a direct debit set up, and add a new monthly Auto Invest through the 'Invest' tab, it will add to your overall Auto Deposit amount (e.g. if you already have a £100 Auto Invest set up, then add £20 to a stock or ETF via the 'Invest' tab, the overall value of your Auto Deposit will increase to £120). Also, if you remove a monthly investment, the overall Auto Deposit value will stay the same, however, the money will be debited into your NuWealth cash account rather than an asset. To change the overall value of your Auto Deposit, go to 'Portfolio' and then 'Auto Invest' and amend your Auto Deposit here.

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